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P5.js stuff (and some regular js stuff)

What is P5.js?

P5.js is a javascript graphics library. A graphics library lets your program display things other than text, like shapes, pictures, animations, and pretty much anything you can think of.

Some of these were based on videos by The Coding Train. Most of the source code is here


Guess-free minesweeper with an animated solver. Source code here

Dinner Debt

A little tool to figure out how much you owe someone for dinner. Source code here

Seam Carving

Shrinking an image by removing the “least interesting” seams of pixels.


3 Point Perspective

3 point perspective is a drawing technique to draw realistic-looking objects in 3D. You pick 3 2D points far away from the object you’re drawing and lines that would be parallel in 3D actually meet at one of these perspective points.

In this visualization, you can click and drag the 3 white perspective points and one of the vertices of the cube. You can also change the dimensions of the cube with the sliders to the left. It’s interesting to see how messing with things changes how the cube looks!

screenshot of 3 point perspective

Braille Dithering


Dithering is a technique that can be used to make an image look shaded despite only having black and white. Braille is a writing system that uses raised dots instead of ink letters.

There are braille characters in computers and they look like this: ⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑

In the Unicode encoding for Braille characters, every possible configuration of dots in a 2x4 grid are encoded, meaning they can basically act as a grid of black and white pixels.

I combined dithering and Braille together to render an image as text. I resize the image, dither it to black and white, divide it up into little 2x4 grids, and put in the Braille character corresponding to that 2x8 grid of 0s and 1s.

Moon Emoji Dithering


Similar to braille dithering, but uses moon phase emojis.

Image -> Conway’s Game of Life

Dithers an image to black and white pixels and then runs that in conway’s game of life


Add sand, water, stone, acid, fire, and more to the screen and watch them interact.

This is a cellular automaton where each “grain” interacts with its neighbors depending on what material it is.



A simulation of bird flocking behavior. The boids try to stay near the center of the flock, avoid getting too close to other boids, and try to head in the same direction and speed as nearby boids. These simple rules lead to some life-like behavior.

screenshot of boids

Wave Equation

A numerical approximation of the wave equation, visualized as a heat map. It’s like a simulation of the surface of a pond, starting off flat with a few splashes. The error in the approximation leads to interesting behavior where you have regions which are checkerd with maximum and minimum displacement bordering regions with zero displacement. And these regions are stable. So stable that they form a new type of wave that dominates the simulation. It pretty much always ends up in a “checkered wave” state. This looks way cooler than what it would look like if it worked properly, so I left it like this instead of fixing it.

screenshot of wave equation

Conway’s Game of Life

This is John Conway’s game of life, a cellular automaton where cells live or die depending on the state of their neighbors. Click on the cells to toggle their life state and hit start to see what happens.

Unbounded Conway’s Game of Life

screenshot of unbounded conway

Conway’s game of life, but the size of the world is unlimited. Rather than storing a grid of cells, we store the positions of living cells and update those cells and their neighbors to compute the next generation. The camera automatically zooms out to fit the whole world into view.

Genetic Steering

These creatures need to eat green food and avoid red poison to survive. They starve if they don’t eat enough, and have a random chance of reproducing with some mutation at every moment. Each creature has a radius they can see food, a radius for poison, an attractive strength for food, and a repulsive force for poison. What configuration is optimal for survival?

screenshot of genetic steering

Smart Rockets

There are two competing populations of rockets, each using gnetics and evolution to try to learn to reach the target by applying a series of forces to themselves. The populations don’t interact with each other, but it’s cool to see two at once. The better rockets have a higher chance of reproducing and there is genetic crossover between parents

screenshot of smart rockets

Monty Hall Game

Interactive game for the monty hall problem. Includes an explanation of the math.

Dragon Curve

screenshot of Dragon Curve

This is the dragon curve. It’s the fractal generated by folding a piece of paper in half over and over again.


This randomly generates two ginchulates, which are a consonant sound, a vowel, and finally, an “nch”. Ex: “dench”
They just sound funny

Kana Word Generator

This page randomly generates “Japanese-sounding” words.
Japanese words are mostly composed of simple consonant-vowel syllables like “ka”, and the structure of these words follow simple rules with few exceptions. For example, consonants must be followed by vowels (except “n). I made these rules into a graph. In the graph syllables are vertices, and directed edges represent whether a syllable can follow another syllable. In this case, a syllable is a consonant-vowel pair, “n”, or a vowel. The only rule that doesn’t fit into this graph is that strings of vowels usually don’t go over 2.
I also tried to include rules that make the generated words sound more Japanese, such as only including syllables which are present in hiragana, restricting which vowels can follow which vowels, and limiting vowel string to a length of 2.

Magnetic Pendulum

This simulates three magnets on a table with a pendulum hanging a magnetic object above the center. Depending on where you release the magnet, you could end up at any of the three magnets. Click and drag to release pendulums and see where they end up. Where the pendulum ends up is extremely sensitive to the initial dropping position. Here is a picture of where a pendulum ends up based on the starting position:

Polygon Fractals

Colorful polygon fractals. Click to iterate the fractal, press a key to switch between the two fractal modes:
center mode: draw a dot at the center of a shape and draw the triangles going from the shape’s edges to the center
prism mode: draw a smaller version of the shape inside itself and draw lines connecting it to the old shape

Rainbow Radiation

colorful lines fly out of your mouse cursor
move the mouse and click to make the lines fly out in a spiral

random circles with no overlap

random squares with no overlap

Minimum Spanning Tree

This generates a minimum spanning tree of a random collection of points. You can add points to see how the MST changes

Moving Minimum Spanning Tree

This generates a minimum spanning tree of a random collection of points that bounce around. You can add points by clicking on the screen

Display Graph

This allows you to display any graph and then edit the locations of vertices by clicking and dragging. Currently, it randomly generates a graph, but theoretically, the code can be used to display any graph.

Travelling salesman problem

This solves the travelling salesman problem for a random collection of points.


Sudoku, implemented using React. Source code here